#Repost @kazukovalentine with @repostapp.
デンバーで会いたかった女性ブランディ。 彼女はFIG+YALLOWというデンバー発のオーガニックスキンケアブランドの設立者。 昨年の7月にポートランドではじめてFIG+YALLOWを見つけた時、なぜか衝撃を感じて、全てのプロダクトに引き込まれました。 素材そのもののパワーが宿っているのを感じたのです。 すぐに日本に入れて欲しくて、知り合いの代理店にブランディにメールをしてもらい、彼らのおかげで4月から日本で販売されることになったのです。 あの衝撃の出会いから8ヶ月、やっと会えたブランディとたくさん話しをして、なぜ私がこんなにもこのブランドに惹かれたのか、その理由がわかりました。 私たちが同じく大切にしているのは、自分の中に生まれるインスピレーションを信じることと、子供の頃に何がわくわくしたのかを思い出すこと。 デンバーまで来た価値がある出会いでした。 FIG+YALLOWは4月1日から日本にローンチされます。この日を1番待ち望んでいたのは私かも。 #FIG+ YALLOWThe lady I wanted to meet in Denver, Brandy. She is the founder of Fig+Yarrow, an organic personal care brand based in Denver. When I saw Fig+Yarrow products in Portland, I was shocked and was drawn into all the products. I felt the power from the ingredients itself. The moment I saw, I asked a distributor I know if they can contact Brandy because I really wanted to see Fig+Yarrow in Japan. And now, they are launching this April in Japan. 8 months after that shocking discovery, I finally met Brandy and talked for hours. I now understand why I was so drawn into Fig+Yarrow. We both cherish to believe in the inspiration we get and remembering what excited us at childhood. It was worth visiting Denver to see her. Fig+Yarrow is launching on April 1st in Japan. I might be the person who is looking forward to this launch the most. #FIGYALLOW

cosmekitchenさん(@cosmekitchen)が投稿した動画 -

コスメキッチンのインスタグラム(cosmekitchen) - 3月30日 15時19分

#Repost @早坂香須子 with @repostapp.









YALLOWThe lady I wanted to meet in Denver, Brandy.
She is the founder of Fig+Yarrow, an organic personal care brand based in Denver.
When I saw Fig+Yarrow products in Portland, I was shocked and was drawn into all the products.
I felt the power from the ingredients itself.
The moment I saw, I asked a distributor I know if they can contact Brandy because I really wanted to see Fig+Yarrow in Japan. And now, they are launching this April in Japan.
8 months after that shocking discovery, I finally met Brandy and talked for hours. I now understand why I was so drawn into Fig+Yarrow.
We both cherish to believe in the inspiration we get and remembering what excited us at childhood.
It was worth visiting Denver to see her.
Fig+Yarrow is launching on April 1st in Japan.
I might be the person who is looking forward to this launch the most.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



