ジェイミー・オリヴァーのインスタグラム(jamieoliver) - 3月16日 22時49分

Afternoon all! This week i'm gonna be giving you loads of great veggie recipes to inspire you for #MeatFreeWeek next week so you can get planning and prepping now. Meat Free Week is a global campaign encouraging people to go meat-free for seven days! Its a great campaign and Im excited to be an ambassador so hope loads of you can get involved too. I love eating meat but I fully supporting the week because its a wonderful excuse to focus on the incredible bounty, flavours and colours of veggies. Hit the link in my profile to find out all about it and to grab all the recipes you'll need including this one Gado-gado. Get planning and tag in your friends to take on the challenge with you next week too! Jamie x @meatfreeweek #Recipeoftheday

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