ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月14日 21時41分

Photo by @mike_hettwer - ANGKOR WAT - The Angkor Wat complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia dates from the 9th to 14th century and represents the height of the Khmer Empire. This temple was built in the early 12th century and it is part of a group of more than 100 other temples including Angkor Thom. It’s an area that is twice the size of Manhattan. An estimated population grew to over one million residents - and it was the largest city in world history until the industrial revolution. The complex was built as a model of the universe in stone representing the cosmic world on earth as interpreted by the Khmer kings. The outer walls represents the mountains at the edge of the world and the 650 foot wide moat that surrounds it, represents the oceans beyond them. Angkor Wat is part of a UNESCO World Heritage site which usually means it’s one of the more important and interesting sites in the world. #angkorwat #angkorthom #cambodia #southeastasia #history #archeology #temples #unesco #worldheritage @thephotosociety @ナショナルジオグラフィック @mike_hettwer


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