ローガン・ハフマンのインスタグラム(loganhuffman77) - 3月10日 06時35分

When I first broke ground on my garden. I was blessed with a extraordinarily rare artifact. As I turned over my spayed. Buried beneath a foot of Earth. I saw the glint of a blood red obsidian "arrowhead" I quickly grabbed it and screamed out in joy raising it to the sun to show thanks for this gift. The past few years I've admired it but not paid much attention until recently. I started to do a little research. I had a hunch that this might've been A spearhead. And judging from the shape and The Flint napping techniquesthis was very rudimentary. Very old. It turns out it wasn't an arrowhead or spearhead. This was a knife fixed to at one time either a piece of ivory or antler. The artist who created this tool was a part of the Clovis people. The first to set foot on this continent 13,500 years ago. I am taking it to the La Brea tar pits to have its authenticity confirmed.


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