ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月8日 23時30分

Salute to Dr. Eugenie Clark by @DavidDoubilet Dr. Clark, known as the #SharkLady is pictured here helping a bull shark in Isla Mujeres Mexico. Eugenie Clark, a professor at University of Maryland and founder of Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota was a prolific @ナショナルジオグラフィック research fellow and contributor. Dr Clark and I began our underwater journey in the Red Sea in 1971, and formed an unshakable ocean friendship. We would go on to collaborate on 12 @ナショナルジオグラフィック assignments exploring shark behavior, early shark conservation, deep sea sharks and a range of fish behavior. "Genie" discovered a shark repelling flounder, sleeping sharks and taught sharks to recognize shapes and colors for a food reward, she discovered many new species of fish, wrote hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers, authored 3 books including #LadyWithASpear. "Genie" was a scientist, writer, artist, mentor, friend but she was a teacher first and foremost. Her greatest gifts to her students were unending curiosity, energy and enthusiasm for everything in the sea. She celebrated sea life without seeking celebrity for herself. Many of us stand on the shoulders of her discoveries and her students of the sea are her living legacy. Genie passed away at 92 working and writing manuscripts to the end. Her last paper published just weeks ago. #DrEugenieClark #SharkLady #sharks #MarineLegacy #friend #mentor. #MoteMarineLab #UniversityofMaryland #Gratitude #Respect


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