デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 2月26日 04時20分

I have thank my friends at Dolce & Gabbana for making a Boston scrub appear shiny & new so I wouldn't get 86'd out of the #VanityFair bash after the #Oscars.
This picture was taken as I was performing slight of hand magic tricks for the onlookers. Moments after this photo I pulled a raven out of my sleeve. It flew right at @リース・ウィザースプーン where it claw snatched the Jack of Hearts tucked, unbeknownst to her, in her bosom.
The crowd went wild as I disappeared in poof of white smoke only to reanimate inside the party.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



