Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 2月19日 02時44分

Why do I get sore after a workout?
Starting a new workout regimen and the pain that usually accompanies it is something that most of us are all too familiar with.
But why does this soreness occur after a workout is its presence an indicator of whether or not we’ve even had a good workout?
Soreness after a workout is known as delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS and is the body’s response to the injury that an intense or new workout causes to the muscles. When you workout, little micro tears occur throughout the muscle groups that you’re training and just like with any other injury in the body, blood flow increases to that area and triggers an inflammatory response. So that notorious “Booty pump” that people claim to have after a leg workout is in fact minor swelling and lactic acid build up that occurs in response to tearing up the glutes.

DOMS typically sets in 24-48 hours after your workout but it doesn’t have to be present in order for you to know you had a good workout. The more conditioned you become and the more that you do a movement or exercise, the less sore you will be after. Its important to switch up your workouts to prevent your muscles from getting too used to anything. Shocking the body and switching it up will help you achieve that post workout “pump” that everyone craves.

While its nice to be sore in the days following a session because it reminds of us of how hard we worked the days before in the gym, it would be nice to sit down on the toilet without having to use the handicap rails. 😁 Its important to stretch and foam roll after a workout to decrease the debilitating feeling you will experience during your DOMS episode.
#fitandthicktip @getfitandthick


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