ココ・ロシャのインスタグラム(cocorocha) - 2月9日 02時57分

Today's edition of #SundayStories is about one of my favorite photographers, #TimWalker.
As an image maker, Tim often presents an wide-eyed fantastical view of the world with dramatic set pieces and locations. He got his start by training under the legendary #RichardAvedon and today works in a scale few dare to reach for with a profound appreciation for the art of photography. The picture you see here is from an editorial we shot together a few years ago. Each of the amazing oversized props in the story was specifically commissioned and brought in by Tim for the shoot. I remember he had a giant men's shirt in one shot and I was laid on it as if I was the black tie. Tim carefully set up the lighting and figured out his angle as I laid there and next thing I know, I'm waking up to Tim saying he got the shot and we were moving on - I had slept through the whole thing like some Alice in Wonderland character! If you can investigate more of his work this afternoon you should. In an industry dominated by photoshop and after-effects, nearly every moment, as bizzare or other worldly as it might seem is orchestrated and captured by Tim in real time on film, not digital. He sets the bar incredibly high for his contemporaries.


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