カラーのインスタグラム(rollandberry) - 12月25日 04時37分

Merry Christmas ... I can't remember not struggling I can't remember not wanting this ... And here it is , this is a photo from my first studio from 2000 to 2010 ... I wished and wanted and worked and this is what I got ... Creative chaos .. I had a 2500 sqft studio for 10 years and I almost never painted not in the traditional sense. So why am I posting this... My feeling is , at times we are just to close to the epicenter to see what's really happening in our life. So today I take a beat and want to step back and see just how blessed i am and have been for years!! I'm Taking time to be thankful!!! Mindful of all of the help and love I have received along the way of what seemed at the time like random events , which now looking back were most certainly key moments that shape and changed my life!!! What's the difference between us you and I ? A: NOTHING !!!! Create the world that you want to live in as artists we can do this!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!?????????????????????????????⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️ ROLLAND BERRY


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