アルトゥルのインスタグラム(altruapparel) - 12月18日 05時30分

We’ve been a proud collaborator of LIFE Magazine for 6 years now! 61 years ago, Audrey Hepburn was on the cover for their December issue. This photo, photographed by Philip Halsman was part of his JUMP photo projec: "When you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping and the mask falls so that the real person appears” Halsman described. So the photographer developed his philosophy of jump photography, which he called “jumpology”. Now it’s inspiring us to take some JUMP photos for our future lookbook! #LIFE #lifemagazine #PhilippeHalsman #jumpology #celebrityjumpers #AudreyHepburn #Jumparound #altruapparel #stayoutdoors


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