マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 12月14日 09時14分

Not the meet I wanted, but it could have been much worse. My snatch warm ups ended up super rushed causing me to skip my last warm up. I went 88x/88/91x. 91 was a junior american record attempt.. Next time, it's happening. Clean and jerks went okay, 101/105/108x. 105 was probably the ugliest lift ever hahaha #oops ? ended up with a PR total of 193kg as a 63 and silver in snatch, C&J and total. I'll take it!!! #ao #americanopen2014 #olympicweightlifting #olylifting #camargoolyconcepts @camargo_oly @athleteps #63 ???SHOUT OUT TO THE GUY WHO BOUGHT ME A CUPCAKE JUST NOW. YOU'RE MY HERO AND I LOVE YOU???


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