ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月20日 23時26分

Photo taken by @スティーブ・マカリー // I had hired a small, ultra-light, two-seater airplane in to do aerials in Slovenia. The pilot flew down to the surface of the lake, very, very close — in fact so close that I told him to go up because we were only about five feet from the water. If I had wanted to be that close I could have hired a boat, but it was too late. The wheels got caught in the water and we couldn’t pull out. We went down and as soon as the fuselage and the propeller hit the water, the propeller blew apart.

We flipped upside down in the 40-degree water in the middle of February and immediately began to sink. The cockpit was not enclosed. The seat belt was a jerry-rigged homemade device, and I couldn’t get it off. I realized I was going to die. I guess that part of your brain concerned with self-preservation kicked in, and I slid underneath the contraption, literally went underneath, and was able to swim to the surface. The pilot made it, but didn’t attempt to help me. My passport and equipment went to the bottom. Fortunately the pilot and I were picked up by a fisherman within ten minutes. Days later the plane was raised but all of my equipment is still 60 feet down.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





