DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 11月20日 16時00分

? | S E P T E M B E R | Image in the #staffylovecalendar ? I love this photo because it really does show just how silly staffies are! There are Eight out of 10 winners so far for the Christmas cards! The winners ordered two or more calendars so they will receive a 6 pack of assorted silly Staffy Santa Christmas cards with their calendars! ?❤️ Congratulations to Lynne White, Catherine Hunt, Stacey Arnold, Georgia Butler, Moxino Collars, Rhiannon Bausch, Ayden Veli and Hayley Iles!!! And congrats to the random winner for the set of 8 from last nights post goes to Lisa Carruthers!! ?? there are still two packs of six to give away with the next two double orders! One more person until midnight that orders a calendar will be receiving 8 Christmas cards too which I will announce tomorrow! So glad you all have loved the calendars so far! Please tag #staffylovecalendar with your photos so I don't miss out on seeing them!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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