Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月7日 01時46分

Does Labai remind you of someone? He is locked because I need to make sure that he goes to the bathroom, if he doesn't go today we are going to sleep him and have his stomach emptier through his rectum. Today is the seventh day of his treatment and still hasn't gone to the bathroom. That's the only remaining issue that he has. We have been giving him Metamucil and still nothing...
Labaicito esta encerrado por que tengo que asegurarme que vaya al baño, si hoy tampoco hace lo vamos a anestesiar y le vamos a lavar su estómago, lleva 7 días de tratamiento de su colitis y aun no puede ir al baño. Deséennos suerte :)
#labai #saveourplanet #savehabitat #savelions


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