Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月9日 19時57分

The ancient pond.
The Frog jumps.
-- Basho

This is a Koan. People call them poems but they are not it, they are keys to the deepest secrets of Existence. If one understands them not with an explanation but with their own "Experiencing (Experience belongs to the past, Experiencing is a never ending affair)" then one has realized all the secrets of the Universe. One has realized what people call "Enlightenment".
Just jump. Forget about the self and jump, you will disappear into Infinity. Not a single trace of you will remain. Only the ripples of the ocean of awareness. Plop...
Now you know why I call Basho one of my a White Tigers.
It's all for Love (Plop)


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