WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 9月29日 15時14分

Congrats Websta friend @lumenoir! Your photo is today's Webstapick! Thanks for sharing this. ? In his caption he writes how taking the wrong direction led him to this beautiful view of a monastery in India. Check out his feed for his journeys to self-discovery and transformation.
Do you have a creative photo or a video that tells a great story? Tag your best posts with #WEBSTAPICK for a chance to be featured here and at http://websta.me/webstapick! We are now accepting both photos AND videos for #WEBSTAPICK. Keep them coming everyone! ?? _____________________________
Hey everyone! As part of our rebranding efforts pls know that we are now Websta (@WEBSTA on Instagram) and we are now accessible at our new URL. ? websta.me Thank you!


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