National Geographic Creativeのインスタグラム(natgeointhefield) - 9月19日 04時52分

Photo by @jonathankingston “But think of the hearts of these whales, beating warm against the sea, day and night, through dark and light, on and on for centuries; how the red blood must rush and gurgle in and out, bucketfuls, barrelfuls at a beat!” - John Muir Travels in Alaska. The magnificent display of collaborative feeding by humpback whales in Alaska is one of the great natural wonders of the world. Unrelated adults work together to school herring into a tight ball using both sound and mechanical strategies. A bubble blowing adult then wraps the herring in a ring of bubbles, which the fish are frightened to cross. Finally in a coordinated lunge, all of the adults surface simultaneously, swallowing their hapless prey. #ngexpeditions #alaska #johnmuir #whale #humpback #bubblenetfeeding


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