ジェームズ・ガンのインスタグラム(jamesgunn) - 9月17日 01時25分

#gotgpicoftheday Another small bit cut from the film featured Simara Dixon as a girl Quill flirted with directly after saying goodbye to Bereet and then later stopped for a moment in his mall battle with Rocket, Groot, and Gamora to flirt with again. But Simara was also very important to #GotG because she was one of the models we experimented with different alien skin tones on and she was the first one I felt like we nailed it on - that her blue skin looked like blue skin up close and not like face paint. We soon discovered blue was much easier to master than some other colors... especially green, which was, as luck would have it, far and away the most difficult. We also found different skin colors worked better on certain types of faces - and Simara's distinct model bone structure was perfect. We cut her bit primarily for pacing - which I felt rotten about, because Simara was great, her makeup was cool, as was the outfit Alex Byrne designed for her. But, what the heck, there's always the possibility she can reappear in a future Marvel film! #guardiansofthegalaxy


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