カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 9月2日 21時34分

On a recent interview I was asked the question.
Mr. Kai Greene - what is the first thing that you do when you wake up ?

Now the gentleman interviewing was specifically asking one of many questions as an insightful look into an Olympia contestant's methods of dieting and training upon waking.

My answer seemed to raise his eyebrows as it was an answer he wasn't expecting to hear yet knew consciously that it was ever so often ignored during this hectic routine we call life.
In the midst of it all... the simplistic moment of thanks should not be overlooked.
Now I'm not here to preach but I do want to share a moment and an idea.. In which that a simple good morning text to a family member, friend, and or loved one is another warm way of giving thanks. #BeThankful #OLYMPIA


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