Yingのインスタグラム(nailartexpress) - 8月29日 23時21分

Random rants.
1. Wake up and smell the bullshit. It doesn't smell like roses. No matter how many times you reopen your eyes, things aren't going to change. You want change? Work for it. // 2. If your education/work experience is in [A] but you're applying for a job in [B], for which you have minimal training and experience, don't expect to be paid what you would be getting for a job in [A]. You may think you're worth more than that, but to your boss in [B], you're worth a lot less than that. // 3. Shit happens. To everyone. Get over it. Life goes on. You want things to go your way? Be strong and take control of your life. Create your own happiness. Don't make everyone else miserable just because misery loves company. // 4. Don't shit where you eat. People are looking at you. And I must say it isn't a pretty sight. // 5. Stop focusing on me-me-me and take a step back to see what others have done for you. If you only know how to take and not how to give, eventually you will be left with nothing.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




