zumiezのインスタグラム(zumiez) - 8月22日 06時28分

Tyson Bowerbank
Instagram: @tysonbowerbank
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
Tyson Bowerbank probably looks a little familiar. He's been competing for a while now, and took 2nd place overall at this years Best Foot Forward Finals in Detroit. Tyson joined Brendon Villanueva and Jamie Foy on a roadtrip, skating the best spots up and down the west coast. We're lookin’ forward to his footy from the road!
Q: How many times have you competed in Best Foot Forward?
A: Participated 4 or 5 times in the past

Q: What do you think of the Michigan theater?
A: It’s a rad venue, its different.

Q: What’s Best Foot Forward mean to you?
A: This opportunity means a lot to me. It’s rad that I placed in the top 3 and how I’ll be able to go on that trip and get some good footage on the road.

Q: Who’s givin’ you love?
A: DC, Spitfire, Thunder, Bones Swiss and BC Surf and Sport!


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