Karen Oのインスタグラム(ko) - 8月14日 01時42分

@SofarSounds Listening Partayzzz
Very psyched that there will be an exclusive FIRST VINYL LISTEN of CRUSH SONGS coming up AUGUST 27th around the globe and you better believe I'll be showing up to one of them! Grab your honey and drag 'em to have a listen, skip school if you must because this shit is ALL AGES and homework sucks anyways right? I would love for you to sign up via the site below and be with me and this music that is as personal and raw from the heart as it gets. Look sharp and be in the mood for love, who knows, you could meet your 'one and only' while you're there, stranger things have happened…. LUV KO
#CrushSongs #SofarSounds


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