マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 7月20日 10時45分

Yo @ロバート・グリフィン3世 I do it for my kids. I strive to be the greatest me to inspire them. I cry for them, I hurt for them, I fail for them, I learn for them, I live for them. I pray they are better than me. I work my ass off to show them that with Hardwork a And dedication u can do ANYTHING. No limits, no ceilings on your dreams. I take every lesson I learned and I apply to my kids. I practiced life and love to protect and protect them. I fail and succeed in business to blaze a trail for them to follow. They motivate me when I am exhausted. The are my North Star and when stray their bright light navigate me home, I know there is God because of the gift of #family #knowyourwhy


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