ショーン・パトリック・フラナリーのインスタグラム(spflanery) - 7月14日 03時08分

This one is entitled: "Many people entered that restroom and saw me rifling through the garbage, but it didn't redirect my trip of vengeance. It couldn't. Not after he'd dropped onto my hand from the inside rim of the waste container as I flipped my wet rag inside. I thought he'd run away, as I'm sure he did me... but we just locked eyes for a more than full moment. Then that little shit ran, deeper and deeper into the can. But he had no idea who he was dealing with. That mocking look he'd given me had insured his place on my X-list. And once something's on my list... there's only one way to get them off. When I'd finally disassembled the can and flung all of it's repulsive contents onto the floor, I found that little shit scurrying around on the bottom trying to find an exit. But there was none. He froze immediately and stared up at me with apologetic and pleading, yet still indicting eyes, but I wasn't having any of it. I did, however, honor him with an eye to eye, so he could go out like a man... looking his executioner in the eye. This... is that eye. He was a warrior, and he died like one. "Eeeeoooow, did you squish it?" came from somewhere behind me, as I heard a man trying to navigate around all of the garbage strewn onto the floor. I think a moment of silence would've been more appropriate... but he did help me clean up."


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



