ウィニー・ハーロウのインスタグラム(winnieharlow) - 7月7日 06時13分

?#VITILIGO. People always say "it's easy for you because you're really pretty/ ur skin is symmetrical/ blah blah blah. I have so many bones to pick with my Ladybugs?! How can anyone accept you if you don't accept those with the same condition? Like the "LightSkin" "Darkskin" argument, there is no shade that is more beautiful than your own unique shade, blend or color! I am no prettier than the gorgeous people in this collage. WHY? Because through all of these people (and many others I find everyday) I see self acceptance, world acceptance and CONFIDENCE. What could be more beautiful? If you want the world to see you for you, stop categorizing Yourself into boxes. I need YOU, not ppl with vitiligo, or albinism or acne, or eczema, Everyone to remember that You are ALL beautifully and wonderfully made. ❤️? -#ChantelleWinnie


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