ジョー・キンダーのインスタグラム(joekinder) - 6月30日 11時23分

Yesterday proved to be the best day of this trip. It's funny how things work like that. I sent the iconic Punks In The Gym (first 32/5.14a/8b+) out of the blue in an utter down pour! I would have to say regardless of the grade or its reputation this was one of the most memorable sends of my life. The@route is ultra-techy and when I finally stuck the crux move I realized how pumped I was. Then, reluctantly rallied out the last section to the jug before the exit. It was at that point where I was being pelted with massive rain drops and the stress kicked in. My hair and my shirt wet instantly soaked and all I could think about was how utterly lame it would be to fall on the 5.10 section. Wet or not. I couldn't rest as it was pointless so I got all Jonathan Siegrist and went for it with care. The rock was wet, I could barely open my eyes and I took all the holds on the sharpest parts possible in order to secure any grip at all. I still don't know how I didn't fall or slip. Hahaha!!! I made it!!!! Lindsey sent as well, we ate steak with the crew, got drunk, packed up and ate more eggs and now we are driving to the airport. Thanks for everything Australia!!!! YEAAASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!! @ltjian @squashy144 @blackdiamondequipment @xyiencexenergy @グレゴリー @sterlingrope @lasportivana #alwayspsyched #alwaysreal #backtothehood #arapiles #punksinthegym #wolfganggullich


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