クリスティナ・バザンのインスタグラム(kristinabazan) - 5月27日 00時17分

None of us can move forward if half of us are held back. It's time for change. I am happy to announce that I am part of the Chime For Change project innitiated by @グッチ. For such a long time, I wanted to take part in a humanitary project and support a cause that I truly believed in. There are so many charities nowadays, how do we know where our money goes and if we really do help? YOU can really make a change in fact with the power of our social media. On www.chimeforhange.org you can donate the ammount you want directly to different causes selected and make a real impact. I was so incredibly touched by all the stories. It's hard sometimes to imagine what happends abroad far away from the comfort of our countries. Make a change, even if it's 1$, it can make a big difference if we all act. I had the big pleasure to donate from all my heart 5'000$ to #bringbackourgirls, each woman AND man should have the right to knowledge and education, and shouldn't have to suffer such torture because of it. Act now and share the support. It's important. #timeforchange #chimeforchange @chimeforchange


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