I.T IS INSPIRATIONのインスタグラム(ithk) - 5月26日 12時00分

b+ab x Little Prince comes to 4th stop, meeting with a busy businessman. He claims to own all the stars, spending all his time to count. The Little Prince tries to make him see this is a waste of time and “owning” is about to cherish. The businessman is left speechless, and such grown-ups disappoint the Little Prince once again. “Grown-ups are certainly quite extraordinary.” Don’t forget to join us at Olympian City for the Little Prince Exhibition! There will be large scale Little Prince showcase together with our b+ab x Little Prince collection! The exhibition ends on June 2, don’t miss the chance to visit us this week!
@bplusab #crossover #spring #summer #ss14 #lepetitprince #littleprince #planet


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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