WilldaBeastのインスタグラム(willdabeast__) - 5月24日 04時46分

I think we should celebrate what makes us who we are ! Our strengths , unique qualities, color , height , strength , flexibility whatever it might be ... I choose my words wisely when dealing with my Lils and flavahz... But the notion that we shouldn't speak on an awesome talent because it might hurt others feelings I CAN'T DO. Sports growing up taught me how to deal with a lot of these things .

ME PERSONALLY I recognize if someone is amazing in the room it pushes me . I don't have 1 favorite I LOVE ALL MY KIDS for different reasons. I remind them ???! It's ok for us to have strengths and weaknesses and acknowledge them to continue to grow and learn. At least that's how I feel.
I'll always say how I feel .... RESPECTFULLY . ?


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