マーク・シュルマンのインスタグラム(markyplanet) - 5月19日 08時48分

Under Facebook, Instagram and Twitter's current terms (which can change at anytime), by posting your pictures and videos, you grant them non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any [IP] content that you post on or in connection with these sites (“IP License”). This means that these sites can license your content to others for free or for a fee without obtaining any other approval from you! You should be aware that once your photos or videos are shared it could be impossible to delete them from the Internet even if you delete the content or cancel your account (the content still remains on their servers and they can keep backups)! So, although you may be able to withdraw your consent to the use of photos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you should also keep in mind that if you share your photos and videos with them, those applications may have their own terms and conditions of how they use your creation!
Oh and if you like shooting celebrity photos and one of these sites wants to use one of your photos to brand their product or sell your photo, if the celeb is unhappy about that, the celeb can legally come after you, not Facebook, Twitter or Instagrab (Freudian misspell)...BEWARE!! Clarity is king!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




