TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 5月10日 03時03分

The blue spots in this image are newly born neurons in an adult human brain. Scientist have long believed that our brains stop creating new neurons early on, but recent research suggests that we actually produce new brain cells throughout our lifetime –– thousands per day, in fact. In a new TED Book, Rewiring Our Morality, neuroscientist Daniel Reisel shows how producing new brain cells shapes our behavior. He unveils a powerful discovery: Even hardened criminals can change, right down to their neurons. He argues that we must shift to a restorative form of justice –– one that allows both victim and perpetrator a chance to heal. Find his book at on.ted.com/TEDBooks

Image: Courtesy of Jonas Frisén, Karolinska Intitute, Sweden


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