Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 5月2日 13時50分

One week out from Dallas Europa. I've been going through it mentally, emotionally and physically this last week.? Most people think because I compete so much that it gets easier. Truth is it doesn't. This prep for my 23rd show is just as hard physically, mentally and emotionally as my first show was. The cravings are there. The excuses are there. BUT I DO NOT EMBRACE THE NEGATIVITY EVER! Someone told me not to long ago..I don't crave chicken and vegetables like you do..LOL?? oh trust me I love junk food like you@wouldn't imagine. I fight everyday a battle within myself to be a better version of me everyday. Everyday that I win the battle it makes me stronger. Being physically in the best shape of my life all year round is not easy but I CHOOSE this life. I honestly don't know how to give up and I honestly could never give up. I know a lot of people expect things to just come to them but that's just a fantasy world. Those who work their asses off get what they want. Always dig deeper, always believe and always trust in yourself.? #Noexcuses


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