thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 4月21日 02時04分

Photograph by @ジョン・スタンメイヤー on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック, continuing part III of the @OutOfEdenWalk project — Armenian priests and alter boys during the sacred Antasdan ceremony or the Blessing of the Four Corners of the World (including the blessing of the harvest) held today, Easter Sunday, in the courtyard of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate located in the Old City in Jerusalem. The Priests hats, know as a veghar, symbolizes Mount Ararat, the dormant volcano believed to be the resting place of Noah and the ark. It's shape is also a symbol of traditional Armenian church domes. @VIIPhoto @thephotosociety #iPhone #Hipstamatic #WattsLens + #D-TypePlate #Easter #OldCity #Jerusalem #ArmenianOrthodox #Armenian #religion #faith #Antasdan


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