ローガン・ハフマンのインスタグラム(loganhuffman77) - 3月29日 12時01分

The day the Dove forgave me. I will never forget that cold fall day in Modoc Indiana. I was nine years old and my grandfather handed me the family's 22 Springfield rifle. This was a step up from my Red Rider that I had became Familiar with. I set up old Bottles on the split rial fence as I began to fire into the empty corn filed. Watching the shades of glass explode. I Was thoroughly enjoying the new kick. I began to fantasies about invading troops and how I I would defend my land and home. I lusted for something new. So I walked the grounds as I looked up. flying overhead was a Mourning Dove that landed on a branch above me. I instinctually without thought razed the rifle and took aim. As the bird was in my crosshairs I was not aware that the Mourning dove only has one lifelong mate. I was not aware that the Dove was a symbol of peace. these things I would find through age. I fired one shot. As The bird spiraled down I began to weep. A Senseless killing embedded in my memory. But today, I was sitting in the bonsai garden. As a morning Dove landed inches next to me. It seemed to Have no fear. Only trust and love. Perhaps I was forgiven.


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