ローのインスタグラム(ro_bags) - 3月18日 17時59分

我們相信,要找到一個合用又合眼緣的皮具絕不容易,所以即使它如何耗損,都應獲得重生的機會。ro一直提倡的「再生修繕服務(Reborn Service)」,便是源自這個宗旨,我們鼓勵顧客帶同購買兩年或以上的ro袋,以合理的維修費用,由我們的專業皮革工匠助你修復因日常使用而出現的損耗,讓它能繼續陪伴你一輩子。

We believe that finding the right bag that appeals both visually and practically is not easy, so even if it becomes worn-out ordamaged, having it repaired is often worth it. ro’s Reborn Service is created based on this belief. We encourage you to bring in ro bags that have been used for two years or more to have them repaired for a reasonable fee. Our craftsmen will repair those wear and tear your bags get from everyday use so they can continue to be a part of your life.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



