ジェレミー・アボットのインスタグラム(idreamofjeremy) - 2月24日 07時26分

The Olympics have officially come to a close. As I head to the airport I am filled with a million emotions. I am devastated that I will never see the olympics again as an athlete. I am awed that I got to experience TWO! I'm humbled by the outpouring of love I have recieved. I'm grateful for the undying support you've given me. Fearful as I head into the unknown before me, yet excited for what the future will bring. Thank you all for always standing strong at my back and giving me the strength to stand up whenever I fall my hardest! This may not be the legacy I had dreamt I would leave, but it's one I am proud of. This is my story and I will share it unapologetically forever. With Japan looming on the horizon and my competitive career coming to a close I am excited to do it the way I always have. With passion. With excitement. With a little bit of fear, and an overwhelming love for the sport of figure skating. I can't properly express my gratitude to those who held me up from day one and to those of you who have joined along the way! Thank you for a wonderful, strange, awkward, scary, brilliant, and epic journey!!!!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



