犬バカ部宣伝部長のインスタグラム(umetaturou) - 2月3日 20時09分

今年はそらが鬼だぁ〜けどそらは外に出て行かないでね(笑)Bean throwing called mamemaki is done at home on the night of Setsubun. People scatter roasted soy beans inside and outside their houses shouting, “Fortune in, devils out”. Then they eat the same number of beans as their age and wish for good health. Bean is “mame” in Japanese which means good health. At some houses, where there are especially young children, one of the family members (usually the father) act as an "Oni", and the kids throw beans at him to make him ran away.  #犬バカ部 #鬼そら


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



