ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月19日 03時40分

Agent Orange Victim, Vietnam. Photo by @peteressick. In recent years, journalists have become known more for their coverage of celebrities and sensational stories than as crusaders for justice and the underprivileged. To be sure, sensational journalism has been around since the beginning of newspapers; however, around the turn of the last century, photographers like Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine pioneered a form of documentary photography aimed at exposing social ills. Many journalists followed and were inspired to continue the good fight and saw journalism as a calling as much as a profession. The legendary newspaper editor Joseph Pulitzer once summed it up by saying the role of a journalist was to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." When I approached the girl in a home for children whose parents and grandparents had been exposed to Agent Orange, an attendant was feeding her breakfast. I took just a few photos and moved away. These situations have always been uncomfortable for me as a photographer. It is easy to feel like a sleazy opportunist for just taking pictures and leaving. I had to remind myself that I was trying to tell the story of an eyeless child looking for justice in a dark world. - excerpt from "Our Beautiful, Fragile World."


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