自分の過去の作品を扱った展示会を終えた後の,最初の週末の土曜に、NYで唯一公開している近所の映画館に、朝一の上映回の『風たちぬ』を一人で見に行く。映画の中で、人の創作人生について「君の十年はどうだったかね。力を尽くしたかね。」という台詞。 5年前、仕事や創作で、人生で初めて行き詰まっていた時、『崖の上のポニョ』を見て、映画自体はというより、かの波のシーンをみて、70歳近い、もう引退していてもおかしくない製作者が、我々若い者達がやるべき事であろう新しい表現方法やアイデアを率先してやり、クリエイターとしての意地を見せたのを見て、「若造が、何を迷っているんだ」と言われた気がして、奮起したのを思い出す。 First weekend after having a retrospective of some sort where I looked back on my past works, I go see "The Wind Rises" on first showing of Saturday morning, alone. There is the line in the film where one character asks the protaganist "How was your 10 years? Did you do your best?" regarding his creative life. 5 Years ago, when I was having an early mid-life crisis of sorts and wondering why I do what I do, I saw "Ponyo". I remember, when I saw the "wave scene" in the film, where almost 70 year-old creator showed us something so new, creative and cutting-edge - things us young ones really should be doing - I felt like I was told "What's there for you, the young kid, to wonder?" which helped me snap out of wondering and stop being scared, and start to just do. #宮崎駿 #風立ちぬ #HayaoMiyazaki #TheWindRises

kenzominamiさん(@kenzominami)が投稿した動画 -

ケンゾーミナミのインスタグラム(kenzominami) - 11月10日 05時05分



First weekend after having a retrospective of some sort where I looked back on my past works, I go see "The Wind Rises" on first showing of Saturday morning, alone. There is the line in the film where one character asks the protaganist "How was your 10 years? Did you do your best?" regarding his creative life.

5 Years ago, when I was having an early mid-life crisis of sorts and wondering why I do what I do, I saw "Ponyo". I remember, when I saw the "wave scene" in the film, where almost 70 year-old creator showed us something so new, creative and cutting-edge - things us young ones really should be doing - I felt like I was told "What's there for you, the young kid, to wonder?" which helped me snap out of wondering and stop being scared, and start to just do.

#宮崎駿 #風立ちぬ #HayaoMiyazaki #TheWindRises


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



