ソチオリンピックのインスタグラム(sochi2014) - 10月17日 15時17分

The Olympic Torch Relay route began in the school named after Leo Tolstoy and continued in the family estate, where world-famous novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" were written. Ten top members of Yasnaya Polyana's literary scene carried the Olympic torch and the first to light the flame was journalist Vladimir Tolstoy – great grandson of the famous writer Leo Tolstoy, "Throughout his life, Leo Tolstoy had the spirit of a winning athlete," the torchbearer said. "It is symbolic that the relay was held at Yasnaya Polyana: Tolstoy gave all his power to our athletes, and we hope only for their victory!". Yekaterina Tolstaya, director of the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate, brought the Olympic torch onto the stage and put the flame in the Lantern. #torchrelay #sochi2014


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