I.T IS INSPIRATIONのインスタグラム(ithk) - 10月5日 17時02分

Angelababy is not feeling well and shall not be able to join our opening ceremony on Oct 7, we all hope she can get well soon!
Our Oct 7 opening event at 6pm and exhibition will continue, come to the exhibition and leave a supporting message to Angelababy! We will further pass all your greetings and supporting messages to Baby!
因Angelababy 身體抱恙,未能如期出席於10月7日開幕禮,I.T在此希望Baby 盡快好番,為大家拍攝更多靚相!
注意10月7日的相展及派對將如期舉行,大家記住嚟支持Baby 既相展,並即場寫下留言支持baby, 我地會將你地既心意轉送比baby!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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