今日で東北一周の旅が終了〜??? 東北地方で出会った温かい人達、綺麗な海や砂浜、美味しい食べ物。なによりも最高に美しく、エキサイティングなお祭りが我々を出迎えてくれたり、東北に詳しいみんなからのアドバイスのおかげでとても楽しく充実した1週間をすごせたよ。時間の都合で行けなかった場所が沢山あるけどそこは次回のお楽しみにしておくね! この記事を読んでくれた方の中に一人でも東北地方に興味を持ってくれたら本当に嬉しいよ。そして、出来ることなら東北地方を実際に訪れてみてね。まるがそうであったように、最高の笑顔で皆さんを出迎えてくれると思うんだ。 次はどこに行こうかな。もしみんなの街でまるを見かけたらなでなでしてね。 まるとその仲間たちより??? Today my trip around the Tohoku area came to an end.??? While there I met kind people, saw beautiful oceans and beaches, and ate delicious food. Best of all was the beautiful festival that greeted us upon our arrival. Thanks to all of this I had a truly enjoyable week. There were a lot of places I didn't have time to visit, but I'll look forward to them next time!If just one person who reads this has their interest piqued about the Tohoku area then I will be happy. If possible, please visit the area yourself when you can. I bet there will be a lot of smiling faces waiting for you just like there were for me. Best regards, Maru and Family???

marutaroさん(@marutaro)が投稿した動画 -

まる(まるたろう)のインスタグラム(marutaro) - 8月7日 17時51分

まるとその仲間たちより??? Today my trip around the Tohoku area came to an end.???
While there I met kind people, saw beautiful oceans and beaches, and ate delicious food. Best of all was the beautiful festival that greeted us upon our arrival. Thanks to all of this I had a truly enjoyable week. There were a lot of places I didn't have time to visit, but I'll look forward to them next time!If just one person who reads this has their interest piqued about the Tohoku area then I will be happy. If possible, please visit the area yourself when you can. I bet there will be a lot of smiling faces waiting for you just like there were for me.
Best regards, Maru and Family???


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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