Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 8月6日 07時02分

In May of 1962, a fire—the origins of which remain in dispute—ignited a strain of anthracite coal beneath a landfill on the outskirts of Centralia, Pennsylvania.

It would be nearly 20 years before the severity of the still-smoldering fire would become clear to the town's inhabitants. All but a few residents voluntarily relocated to nearby towns in 1984, and despite the state's reclaiming the land in 1992, approximately 10 people still call Centralia home.

The town's abandoned buildings and fire-scarred landscape attract a few intrepid Instagrammers each month. Explore Centralia through their photos and videos by searching the #Centralia hashtag or tapping the blue Centralia, PA location link above. Photo by @andymarie.


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