NBC Newsのインスタグラム(nbcnews) - 6月18日 02時48分

NBC News Hashtag Collection: #WhyILoveDad

Yesterday was Father’s Day and to celebrate, we asked you to share photos of your dad on Instagram with the hashtag #WhyILoveDad. Thank you for sharing your pictures and stories with us. This week’s featured Instagrams are from @lizkoh3, @sydhuss, @maramj, @goingwiththeflo, @yoknapatawpha, @taramazing, @jennaevelyndill, @b_gm3 and @hellomynameisami. Read their stories on http://nbcnews.tumblr.com. We’ll announce the next NBC News Hashtag Collection later this week.
#NBCNewsHashtagCollection #FathersDay #HappyFathersDay #Dad #Father


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