サッカニーのインスタグラム(saucony) - 6月15日 01時29分

Introducing the FavRoute Weekend Activity - #FRWAdads

Since it’s Father’s Day weekend, why not show dad a little insta-love. The goal would be to take a photo of your dad running his favorite route this weekend. Be sure to take a look at the Activity Rules for a chance to WIN a free pair of shoes and be featured on the Saucony Blog.

Some Helpful Tips to Get You Started
Find out where you dad is running this weekend. Find a place cool place on route and take a photo of him. Then, share it with us on Instagram by using the hashtag #FRWAdads. Don’t forget to mention @サッカニー.
Activity Rules
Please only add the #FRWAdads hashtag to photos taken this weekend and only submit your photos to the activity. Any photo taken then tagged over the weekend is eligible to WIN the grand prize and be featured here on the Saucony blog Monday.
Grand Prize
The First Place grand prize winner will receive a free pair of shoes from Saucony.com! Their image will also be the featured on the Saucony Blog. In addition to the first place winner, we will feature some of our favorite submissions from the activity.
The winner of the FavRoute Weekend Activity will be selected & announced here on the Saucony Blog at Noon central time Monday!

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