ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月7日 19時54分

I was in #Siberia, #Russia, in winter, at Lake #Baikal, and there were five of us crammed into a jeep. The others were drinking vodka. I told them I was going up a small cliff to shoot this man riding his #horse on the #ice, and as I walked back I saw the jeep start up and drive off: they had simply forgotten me! I started running, then screaming. It was getting dark, and it was about 35 below. I freaked out. After an hour of trudging through snow, I saw a fisherman sitting in the dark beside a hole in the ice. I was ecstatic. I ran to him, waving like a madman, and tried to explain the situation in the little Russian I know. He held out a vodka bottle to me, then gestured up a hill. At the top of it, there was a snowy road. I sat beside it in the Siberian silence until I heard ‘Matthieuuuuuu.’ It was the driver that came back to look for me. First I was upset, but soon we started laughing about all this... Photo by @paleyphoto (Matthieu Paley) - @thephotosociety


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