テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 4月29日 04時14分

A sweet card from one of my best friends @reahnorman ♡ She is one of the few people that call me by my real name, Ryann. Yes, pronounced like the boy version. My mom told me that she could tell when I was born that I was "unique & different" so she gave me a special name. When I decided to model, I gave myself the nickname Tess Munster & it stuck. Here I am almost 3 years later...& my mom was right.. I AM different & that's ok. To me, Ryann is the girl who always wished she could & Tess is who showed her anything is possible if you dream big enough. Today, & everyday I honor both. #honormycurves #effyourbeautystandards


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Fenty X Pumaのインスタグラム
Fenty X Pumaさんがフォロー

