ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月25日 21時07分

Photo by @chamiltonjames White-backed vultures feed on the carcass of an eland. The eland (a large antelope) was killed by two male lions at Athi Kapiti in Kenya. White-backed vultures are one of the more numerous species of vulture - although their numbers are in steep decline. In east Africa, particularly Kenya, the biggest threat facing them is widespread deliberate poisoning with carboforan - a highly toxic insecticide. The killing of scavengers at carcasses laced with carboforan is indiscriminate and devastating, killing species including lions and hyenas. White-backed vultures are large but are generally forced to give way at kills to larger and more aggressive Ruppells Vulture. Both in my eyes are very beautiful and misunderstood creatures. This shot was taken by placing a camera in the gut sack of the eland and triggering remotely. It needed some cleaning afterwards.


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