Kyle Kuiperのインスタグラム(kdkuiper) - 1月31日 15時26分

Every week @benjaminedward and I team up with a special guest curator to find sixteen of our favorite photos discovered throughout the week and feature them as a collective #16oftheweek. This week we are very excited to announce that the talented @ryanpostel helped us in the selection process. Keep in mind, these shots were seen by one of us for the first time this week, which means they weren't necessarily posted this past week. Please visit the owner's feed and show some love. Thanks so much Ryan for all your help!
Top row: @hookeymonster @xmadeleineanniex @jennaberrybean @jennylevin.

Second row: @ron_gf @takaozan2 @syahrilaz @cimek.

Third row: @macokiwi @uvevita @jacobsantiago @dennishjelmstrom.

Bottom row: @saysthefox @mollymgrubbs @evanjamesatwood @crotography.

Sorry for the repost if you saw this, but I want to make sure these awesome shots get the recognition they deserve!


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Jeremy Veachのインスタグラム
Jeremy Veachさんがフォロー

Kyle Kuiperを見た方におすすめの有名人