Angie Keiserのインスタグラム(2sisters_angie) - 1月27日 01時36分

I was tagged for 5 things about me by @angryjulie so here goes...1. My hair is naturally curly (Mayhem gets it honest) but I burn it into submission pretty much everyday 2. I didn't drink coffee until I married my husband. Now I drink 2 cups (black) every morning even though I still don't like the taste (just the effect) 3. I didn't actually name my daughter Mayhem, although its entirely appropriate :) 4. I swore before she was born that she wouldn't ever be into the princess stuff. I eat my words daily now and never say never about anything anymore 5. I drive a gas guzzling SUV because it makes me feel safer on the roads with all the nut job crazies and you'd have a hard time convincing me to give it up. I'd love to know 5 things about @abirdandabean @udandi @misselaine0375 and @andreadeckard if you want to play along :)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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